Sunday, June 9, 2013

Stop and Smell the Sweet Smells of The Lake

I have found no matter your age, you need to take a break from the chaos in our busy lives and do something fun. As much as I like the high paced more extreme activities, I have found that there is much joy in just spending a day at the lake just chilling out.

 I spent the afternoon on my boat with my daughter and one of her friends. I pulled them around on the wakeboard for a while before I was able to put a pole in the water and fish a little. I think I actually got more joy pulling them on the wakeboard watching them have a great day. I have also found over the years that it is not always about me having the most fun. I was able to give a great day to my daughter and her friend. Seeing them have a success for the day and building adventures for them was my biggest joy today.

When I was much younger I always had the attitude of "what's in it for me". The older I have gotten the less I think that way. Like today it wasn't about me. It was making a great day for others. My advise to the younger generation..... it's not always about you. Sometimes it about others.

Not only do you have to stop and smell the flowers for yourself, you may have help point out the flowers to others to smell because they might not see them.

When I got home from the lake I noticed it had rain and my rose bushes were wet from the rain. I was glad I went out front and looked at them. I was able to enjoy this beautiful site.


  1. I took time out this weekend and went and picked fresh strawberries with my son. Then he made a pie. The little things really do matter.

    Love your pretty rose too.

    1. Sounds like a great time. I like to think about it as "Building Memories".

  2. I love going fishing and I agree that making memories and having family time like that with the little things is really important.


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