Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Be Fast, Be Safe

Be Fast, Be Safe
Be Fast, Be Safe is a phrase I have coined, and I think about when I get ready to play. You can never be too safe when you are participating in those extreme activities. Whether you are in the water,on land, or in the sky, safety is no joke. If you want to continue to live that exciting life style, you need to protect yourself so you can live to play another day.

Of all my activities, riding the Dirt Bike is the most dangerous. In this sport, you need to protect yourself from head to toe. This includes a helmet, goggles, mouth piece, neck brace, jersey, chest protector, pants with pads, boots, and yes even a cup. You have got to keep the boys protected too. This does not fully guarantee you will never get hurt, but it does greatly reduce the chances of getting seriously hurt.

I have been hurt even while wearing all of this equipment. One summer while riding in Kentucky at a friends family lake house I took a fall off the dirt bike. I flew off a trail and ended up hitting a very large boulder. I hit my helmet on the boulder, and I also hit my bicep on the same boulder. This picture shows the bruise on my arm I got from that hit.

Even if you are doing simple steps on a dirt bike you have to be safe. I want to continue to keep riding for many years to come.

YouTube URL -

Water Sports
As funny as it seems you have to protect yourself in the water too. The protection that is a must is a life jacket. I have almost knock myself out before doing tricks while wakeboaring. If this does happen the life vest will save your life. When you cut out from the wake and then cut back in to jump the wake, you are traveling at a much higher rate of speed. If you do not land the trick off of the wake your head can hit the water pretty hard. The potential for disaster is real. Then doing any extreme tricks while wakebaording, I recommend that a person wears a wakeboard helmet. They are very light weight, but offer a lot of protection. It also cushion the hit to the water.

In Closing
I go back to my favorite phrase, Be Fast, Be Safe. I love to play and there is nothing cool about being seriously hurt from not wearing proper safety equipment. When hurt, it is very painful, you have to stop playing while you are healing, and it is very expensive. When you are a kid, you do not think about medical bills if you get hurt. Now that I have to pay for my own medial coverage and bills, I protect myself the best I can.
I am not an expert in this field, but I have found that you need to be safe at all times.

Be Fast, Be Safe.


  1. You are just a gluten for punishment. However, I understand the trill of if all. I am a roller-coaster enthusiast... I love the adrenaline rush!

    1. I think roller coasters are pretty cool too. Good choice for a thrill

  2. Robert I am loving all of your personal videos. They add so much to your blog sight. You are making me want to get out there and do some of the activities you have talked about.
    I am really thinking of trying a tandem skydive. I watched last weekend as diver after diver floated down near the Salisbury airport. I could hear the chutes opening and it looked so fun. I don't know if my heart would take the big step out the door of the plane, but I am seriously thinking about it.
    Thank you for all the inspirational articles.

    1. Thanks. Tandem skydiving would be a good choice to try. I think the hardest part would be to jump out a perfectly good flying airplane. I bet it's a rush

  3. I showed my sons how to drive the boat and then got in the water tube. It was sadly too deep, so I was stuck in there. I guess slow was not much fun, so they went to high and made a big turn.

    Yes. Huge wake.

    I went at least 8 feet airborne and landed water flat on my knee.

    We went to ER, and I got new crutches.

    Moral: Do not let teen boys drive the boat if you at attached to it.


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