Saturday, May 25, 2013

Having Fun With My Dad


     Having family in my life is pretty important. I have noticed the older I get the more I think about the importance of family. My Dad is visiting me over the Memorial weekend. Unfortunately we do not see each other as much as we would like. What makes it hard is that he lives halfway across the United States from me. I do enjoy the time we do get to spend with each other, we have a great time when we do see each other. I think the older I get the more I want to spend time with him. It makes me think of a movie quote from a Indian Jones movie. We seem to have reached the age where life stops giving us things and starts taking them away (IMDB). This is so true. I want to make sure I get all the time in with him that I can.
     I think it is also important that the time we spend together is fun and play full. We were at the Memorial Gardens in Concord taking pictures yesterday. The below video is me having some stupid fun with him. I showed him this video when we got home and we had a great laugh.

 Don't let these times pass you by. If you have lost contact with your family or friends,  re-kindle that fire and pull them back into your lives. Don't let the opportunity slip by you.


  1. I think anyone of any age can benefit from this idea. We spend too much time plugged in and not enough having fun with those we love. Great to see you having fun with your Dad. My Dad died in a traffic accident. You never know when something like that could happen. I'm just thankful we had good times before that I always treasure.

  2. My dad has been under Hospice care for the past two years. He wasn't supposed to make it through the last Father's Day, which is always around his birthday too. So, under these circumstances, I try to spend as much time with my dad as I can. We are never promised tomorrow....So, make the most of who and what ya got!

  3. What kind of camera is your father using, it resembles the Canon Rebel 4Ti but also looks similar to the EOS?

  4. He is shooting with a Canon 5D Mark 2. He has always shot with really nice cameras. He spends a lot of his time traveling around and taking pictures. He he a great photographer.


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